Wheat Crop Best Question in Easy Form

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Wheat Crop 

Wheat Crop Best Question in Easy Form

Wheat Crop Important One Liner

Agronomy One Liner Questions

  Questions Answer
1 Botanical name of Mexican dwarf  wheat (87%area)? Triticum aestivum (2n=42)
2 Family?  (AgriExam.com) Grammineae
3 Origin? South West Asia(Turkey)
4 Protein percent ? 10-12%
5 Fat percent ? 1.5%
6 Fiber present ? 1.2%
7 Carbohydrate percent ? 67-72%
8 Shelling percent of ? 60%
9 Harvest index? 40-45%
10 How many tillers in 1 m square area in wheat field ? 230-340
11 Test weight  (1000 seed)? 40 gram
12 Nitrogen Bio fertilizer used for wheat? (AgriExam.com) Azotobacter
13 100 grams wheat provides how much calories? 327 calories
14 Yellow colour of Durum and Suji flour due to which carotenoid pigment? Lutein
15 World staple food is? Wheat
16 Wheat also known as ? King of cereals
17 Inflorescence known as ? Ear/spike/ Head
18 The type of fruit of wheat is? Caryopsis
19 Central zigzag axis of wheat grain is known as ? Rachis
20 Seed rate of wheat is? 100 kg/ha
21 Seed rate wheat for Salt affected soil and late Sowing? 125 kg/ha
22 Seed rate for Sowing by dibbler? 30 kg/ha
23 Seed rate in zero tillage? 140 kg/ha
24 Seed rate of hybrid wheat? 67 kg/ha
25 Showing time of wheat for better production ? Mid Oct. to Mid Nov.
26 New method of wheat sowing is? (AgriExam.com) FIRB*
27 Plant spacing? 22.5 cm ×  5cm
28 Which gene responsible for Dwarfness in wheat is? Norin-10
29 Norin-10 gene was brought to USA by ? S.c. salamone 1984
30 The dwarf winter variety of wheat first time developed through using Norin gene by ? Dr. O.A.Vogel (USA)
31 Wheat protein is called as? Glutein
32 Protein which is essential for good great quality and making roti? Glutein

*FIRB-Furrow Irrigated Raised Bed System

Wheat Crop Important One Liner

  Questions Answer
33 Cropping intensity of maize-potato-wheat?  300%
34 Wheat, cotton, tobacco and oat are? Allopolyploids
35 A method of breeding for wheat?  Pure line selection method
36 Multiline breeding is exploited widely in the crop? Wheat
37 Cleistogamy was found in? Wheat and Barley
38 Spacing of row to row?  22.5 cm
39 Spacing of Rainfed wheat? 25-30 cm x 5-6 cm
40 spacing of late sown? 15-16cm
41 Ethrel is used as Gametocide for?  Wheat, Rice and Sugar beet
42 Pseudo cereal is? (AgriExam.com) Buck Wheat
43 Which crop having highest percentage of irrigation? Wheat
44 Multi lines in wheat are produced by ?  Back cross breeding
45 The scientific name of Pink Stem Borer?  Sesamia inferens
46 Wheat stem borer sesamia inferns attack in?  Night
47 Allo-Hexaploidy found in?  Wheat
48 National average yield of wheat is? 22 q/ha
49 In India , the maximum acreage and production of wheat is in? UP
50 Common bread wheat is known as?  Triticum aestivum
51 When seed is dropped by hand in furrow it’s known as?   Kera method
52 Seminal roots are? Temporary roots
53 bulk density of soil gm/cm for good crop of wheat 1.5

Wheat Crop Important One Liner

Questions Answer
Wheat is a? Hexaploid plant (2n = 42)
The Mexican dwarf wheat is? Triticum aestivum (2n = 42)
The bread wheat is? Triticum vulgare (2n= 42)
Marconi wheat is? Triticum durum (2n= 28)
Indian dwarf/Club wheat is? Triticum spherococum (2n= 28)
Emmer wheat is known as?  Triticum dicoccum (2n= 28)
The highest grown wheat species in India? Triticum aestivum (87%)
Macaroni Wheat is known as?  Exported wheat
First man made cereal is? Triticale
Triticale is a crossing of? Wheat X Rye


  Questions Answer
54 Wheat is a? Hexaploid plant (2n = 42)
55 The Mexican dwarf wheat is? Triticum aestivum (2n = 42)
56 The bread wheat is? Triticum vulgare (2n= 42)
57 Marconi wheat is? Triticum durum (2n= 28)
58 Indian dwarf/Club wheat is? Triticum spherococum (2n= 28)
59 Emmer wheat is known as?  Triticum dicoccum (2n= 28)
60 The highest grown wheat species in India? Triticum aestivum (87%)
61 Macaroni Wheat is known as?  Exported wheat
62 First man made cereal is? Triticale
63 Triticale is a crossing of? Wheat X Rye

  Questions Answer
64 The variety best suited for sowing in Rainfed areas? C-306, Sujata, Shera, Mukta
65 Both blight and Rust resistant varieties are? UP 2425, PBW 273, WH 291
66 Marconi wheat varieties are? Jayraj, Meghdoot, Malvika, HD-4530 etc.
67 Most important crop variety during green revolution?  HD 2329
68 Single gene dwarf variety of wheat ? Sonalika, Larma Rojo 64-A, Girija
69 Double gene dwarf variety of wheat ? KalyanSona, Chhoti Lerma, Janak, HD 2204, UP 215, Pratap,  Arjun, Sonara 64
70 Triple gene dwarf wheat varieties were released during? 1970
71 Triple gene dwarf variety of wheat? Heera, Moti, Lal Badshah, Jyoti, Jawahar, Sangam, UP-301, UP-319
72 Late sown wheat varieties are? (AgriExam.com) Sharbati sonara, Sonalika, Lok-1
73 Most of the present days India’s wheat varieties contains the gene? Rht1, Rht2
74 When come the turning point in wheat production in India  (Dwarf varieties introduced in India)? 1963
75 High yield dwarf varieties developed by ? Dr Norman E. Borlaug
76 Which dwarf varieties firstly used in India for farming? (from Mexico)  Lerma Rojo, Sonara-64 (Then Kalyan Sona and Sonalika)
77 H.D. 2329 is a variety of? Wheat
78 Suitable late sown variety is? Sonalika
79 The variety of wheat which is resistant to all the three rusts is? Choti lerma
80 Pusa Tejas variety of Wheat is known as? HI-8759

Wheat Crop Important One Liner

  Questions Answer
81 Common herbicide used to control weeds in wheat?  2, 4-D
82 Initial distinguishing character for identification of Phalaris minor?  Basal node remains pink in color up to 50 days of plant growth.
83 Important mimicry weed of wheat is? Phalaris minor
84 Which herbicide used for control. Phalaris minor (mimicry weed)? Isoproturon
85 Which Dicot weed harmful for wheat field? (AgriExam.com) Bathua, Krishnneel, senjee and chatri-matri
86 Which Monocot weed harmful for wheat field? Phalaris Minor, Wild oat and Motha
87 Objectionable weed of wheat? Convolvulus arvensis
88 Associated weeds of wheat? Phalaris minor, Avena fatua and Chenopodium album
89 Zinc and sulphates deficiency in wheat field reported in? Punjab
90 Most suitable cropping system for wheat crop?  Mixed cropping

  Questions Answer
91 Indian Institute of wheat and Barley research located at ? Karnal (Haryana)
92 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) is located at ? Mexico (1966)
93 Most critical stage for irrigation in wheat ? CRI*
94 If only 3 irrigation are available indicate critical stages of wheat when there will be applied?
  1. C.R.I stage
  2. Late jointing (hoot) stage
  3. Milking stage
95 CRI stage occurs in wheat in? 21 days
96 Average depth of sowing wheat seed in field? 5 cm
97 Ideal fertilizer dose for wheat field ?(NPK) 120:60:40
98 Suitable moisture % for Storing of wheat? (AgriExam.com) 10-12%
99 Suitable moisture % for harvesting of wheat? 25-30%
100 Ideal temperature for germination of wheat seeds? 20-25°C
101 Ideal germination % of wheat seeds? 85%
102 Oxidation of carbon in wheat at which temperature? 24°C
103 Grain:straw ratio in Mexican wheat ? 1:1.5

*UAE -United Arab Emirate
*CRI -Crown Root Initiation

Wheat Crop Important One Liner

  Questions Answer
104 Which disease is known as “killer disease” of wheat ? Black Rust
105 Which disease is known as “Cancer disease” of wheat ? Karnal bunt
106 Brown rust (leaf rust) caused by? (AgriExam.com) Puccinia reconditae 
107 Black rust (stem rust) caused by? Puccinia graminis tritici
108 Yellow rust (strip rust) caused by? Puccinia striformis
109 Which rust disease most damaging among all three rust diseases in India? Brown Rust
110 Karnal bunt caused by? Neovossia indica (reported by Mitra 1930 Karnal)
111 In which disease produce black powder in place of grains of wheat? Loose smut (Internally seed borne disease)
112 Powdery mildew of wheat caused by? Erysiphe graminis tritici (Blumeria Tritici)
113 Ear-cockle of wheat caused by? Anguina tritici (nematode)
114 Serious pest of wheat?   White grub & termite
115 The scientific name of Wheat Termites? Odentotermis obesus
116 Which pest attacks all the parts of the plant? Termite

Wheat Crop Important One Liner

  Questions Answer
117 The crown root system in wheat is developed from which root system?  Secondry root system
118 In cloudy weather, high humidity and low temperature conditions. Which disease is more likely in wheat? (More possibility).  Rust
119 Sowing depth of wheat (5 cm) is depend on ? Coleoptiles length
120 What  % of wheat grains should not be used for eating when they are infected with Karnal bunt? (Due to Fish like smell) ? 3%
121 Which chemical use for rats control in Wheat field? Aluminium phosphide
122 Karnal Bunt affected wheat flour. Why does the smell like a fish? ? Due to Trimethyl amine
123 Rust is a which type disease? Airborne 
124 Karnal Bunt is a which type disease? (AgriExam.com) Soil, Seed & Air borne
125 Wheat is a? C3 plant
126 Wheat is a which type of plant  Self pollinated & Long day plant
127 Wheat crop is tolerant to soil salinity? moderately
128 The optimum pH ranges from? 6 to 8
129 Requires a cold period/chilling (vernalization) during? Early growth
130 Spring wheat length of the total growing period? 100-130 days

Wheat Crop Important One Liner

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